Gnosis the knowledge that saves us from ignorance
Objective of Gnosis
Knowledge through experience, not belief
The 4 Pillars – Science, Philosophy, Art and Religion
The Fakir – Order and discipline in life and the esoteric work
The Monk – Devotion, prayer, developing the faculties of the heart
The Yogi – Esoteric study and practice, self knowledge
The 4th Way – The ‘Straight and Narrow’ The Esoteric path, or path to enlightenment
The marvellous ladder of the Being
The horizontal and vertical of life
Raising our level of Being
The intersection of the two lines as ‘the now’
Money and ambition
Physical needs versus psychological needs
Greed as excess and contentment as balance
The mechanism of sensation and satisfaction
Knowledge of the main aspects of our Psychological Constitution
The essence – our true nature as consciousness and its development
The false personality – our conditioning of time and space
The pluralised “I” or the many egos as conditionings of our psychology
5 centres of the human machine – intellectual, emotional, motor, instinctive and sexual
Functions and characteristics of each centre
Wise use of the energies of the centres
The balance of the centres
What is a problem?
Types of problems
How to dissolve problems
Balance of the three brains
The Sensorial Mind – The mind of the 5 senses, the material mind
Intermediate Mind – Mind of belief
Interior mind – The vehicle of the Being, objective knowledge, imagination and intuition
Conscious faith as opposed to belief
Origin of the cosmic/universal mind
Link between the human mind and the universal mind
Imagination and will
Mental epidemics and mental hygiene
Intimate remembrance of oneself
The fourth dimension or time
The six fundamental dimensions
Life-span, the Jinn state
What is consciousness?
The 4 states of consciousness
Why our consciousness is asleep
Techniques and practices for the awakening of consciousness
Who are we listening to?
Buddha’s bowl
Attention – where is our attention?
Listening with the consciousness
Law of the Return of All Things – origin of natural cycles
Law of Recurrence – the repetition of all things, karma and spirals
Law of Reincarnation – conscious descent to fulfill a mission for humanity
Keys to liberate oneself from recurrences
Karma as the law of cause and effect
Different types of karma
Karma is negotiable – justice and mercy
Dharma as cosmic capital and merits
Birth and Death as inseparable twins
Death by thirds
Destiny, trio of life, death and judgement
Death as supreme advisor for life
Dying consciously as objective
The rays of life and death
What continues on after physical death
Angels of life and death
Recapitulation, trial and judgement
The two axes of nature – Evolution and Involution
The Wheel of Samsara – four kingdoms
Transmigration of the soul
Liberation from the Wheel of Samsara
The creation of man and the world
The authentic history of our humanity and our race
Seven Great races of the planet
Seven subraces of each great race
The Lemurian race – separation of the sexes
Introduction of the Kundabuffer organ
Rebellion of the angels – the fall of man
Removal of the Kundabuffer organ and the consequences
Theories regarding the origin of the Moon
Grandmother Moon, Mother Earth
Whole Earth experiences the Lunar Influence
Lunar phases and their influence
The visible and invisible sides of our psychology
Criticism and self-criticism
Sense of psychological self-observation
Learning to use others as a mirror for observation
The creative power of the Logos
Energy, matter, vibration, movement and sound
Key note and vibratory affinity
Absolute Abstract Space
The Ray of Creation
The Laws of 3 and 7
Our place in creation
Introduction to the Kabbalah
The 10 Sepiroths and the 4 worlds
Logoic, Ethical and Magical triangles
The tree of life and the tree of knowledge
Existential bodies of the Being
Function of each body
Inner Master in the Casual
Four Types of Hanasmussen
Mechanical and conscious humanity
Instinctive, emotional and intellectual human being
Fourth type of human being and the Psychological Moon
The development of the conscious solar human being
Sensations and impressions
Concepts and reality
Words, language and imagination
Psychic development (chakras)
What are impressions?
Importance of the need to transform impressions
The consciousness as the transfrormer of impressions
Transform impressions, transform your life
Law of Universal Vibration the Vital Foundation
Prana, Tattwas, chakras, four elements and hormones
Properties of the Tattvas and the elementals of nature
Pranayama exercise
Fundamental Hydrogens (Table of)
Transformation of food, air and thought into sexual energy
Transmutation of sexual energy into Si-12
Further transformations into higher subtler hydrogens
The world of dreams and the astral body
Direct esoteric experience in the Astral world
Supra-dimensions and infra-dimensions
Discipline and techniques for Astral travel
The Dionysian wave and its two poles
The Zodiac and the Sidereal journey
The Four Ages (Gold, Silver, Bronze and Iron)
The characteristics of the Aquarian Age
The Five Elements
The nourishing quality of each element
Importance of the five elements as nourishment for the Inner Being
Practical Alchemy (authentic White Tantra)
What is Esoteric Inititation?
Initiations of the minor and major path
Role of sexuality in the process of Initiation
Liberation of the Soul